
Wchodzisz na stronę polskiego producenta, na której znajdziesz wyroby medyczne. Pamiętaj, żeby korzystać z nich zgodnie z ich instrukcją używania i etykietą. Przedstawione są również wyroby medyczne przeznaczone jedynie dla profesjonalistów posiadających odpowiednie kwalifikacje. Klikając przycisk "Wchodzę" oświadczasz, że przyjąłeś do wiadomości powyższe ograniczenia.


Protective underlay feeders

The Innow.pl store offers you protective deck feeders, designed for installation in tables or free-standing. Metal, stainless steel or wooden feeders are available. Both steel and wood are materials characterized by high strength and long life, which is extremely important in the case of frequent underlayment in offices. The feeders are easy and quick to install and provide constant, trouble-free and free access to the sleepers. Their design allows for comfortable use. They are made in the form of special handles mounted on both sides of the table, in its lower part.

As standard, the feeders are designed to be installed in the leg rest section, but you can also order elements placed on the side of the headrest section. A roller with protective backing is placed between the handles. It is mounted securely and stably thanks to the appropriate length of the feeder arm tabs. Protective pad feeders are compatible with rehabilitation and transport tables. Free-standing feeders, on the other hand, have a specially developed metal structure, ensuring a stable position. The steel elements have rubber protection against slipping of the feeder and allow for a secure grip when picking up sleepers. Metal protective deck feeders are additionally powder coated in aesthetic white or silver. The dispensers offered by Innow.pl are designed for medical (m.in. gynecological), rehabilitation, surgery or cosmetic offices.