
Telescopic wheeled screens


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Comfortable in everyday use, greatly separating the space and enabling the occupational duties of nurses and doctors. So in three terms we decided to characterize the mobile telescopic screens distributed in this category of products. We assume that each of these accessories will constitute modern equipment for preventive health clinics in schools, hospitals and other medical facilities. One of the main advantages of our screens is their mobility. The products are equipped with high quality wheels that make it easy to move the screen to any place. The brakes are also important.

Our wheeled screens are available in a telescopic version, and one or multiple-panels versions can be chosen among different products. It is worth paying attention to the quality of metal constructions. They are made of good components, they have been coated with the powder method and thanks to that they are resistant to external factors. What are our mobile screens? Washable screens deserve distinction. The material used in this construction is easy to clean and disinfect. All those interested in purchasing these accessories are guaranteed that they meet applicable standards and work well in health prevention clinics in schools, outpatient clinics, hospitals and many other facilities. Medical screens will separate zones in hospital rooms and provide comfort and discretion when performing various tests and treatments.

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