
Multi-panel screens


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If you are looking for practical elements that are the equipment of the school nurse’s office, we encourage you to browse the list of products in the presented category. We are pleased to present specialized, functional and practical multi-panel medical screens. As is known in the school rooms, many young patients are often admitted at the same time. Due to their comfort and safety, it is worth choosing a folding screen, which perfectly separates the space and divides specific zones in the medical office.

Multi-panel screens offered by us can be up to two meters and ten centimeters long. The product can be moved at any time, folded or you can make a one-piece screen of it. In turn, in smaller medical offices, double-panel screens will be great. Each of the presented products has been made with attention to even the smallest detail. The screens have washable coatings, they are easy to clean and disinfect. The products are mobile and extremely light despite their long construction. In this product category, you can find stainless steel screens that are distributed in two color versions. The structure can be made of stainless steel or powder coated in white. In turn, the screens themselves, depending on needs and personal preferences, are distributed in one of six colour version. All accessories are tested and certified and have affordable prices. We encourage you to get to know their detailed technical parameters.

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